Klumpp Room

Granite State Clowns

This meeting room is reserved by the Granite State Clowns for the purpose of a meeting. While this meeting room is reserved by this group, the Merrimack Public Library Meeting Room Policy holds that all meeting room bookings must be open to any and all that wish to participate in said meeting.

Intro to Dungeons and Dragons: Dungeon Master's Edition

Perhaps you know the basics, but have you ever thought about running a game of Dungeons and Dragons as the DM?

Do you have a group of players but don't know where to start when it comes to designing adventures and managing non-player characters? This workshop is aimed at players looking to take on the mantle of Dungeon Master for their groups and learn a variety of tips about running adventures, managing players, and more! Additionally, a short exercise about designing adventure outlines will be included.

Snacks will be provided!

Pressure-Free Paint Night

Join us for our very first Pressure-Free Paint Night!

Our Adult Services team will provide canvas and tools with several different medium stations spread around the room. Patrons are free to create any kind of art that makes your heart happy in a carefree setting while enjoying provided snacks and materials!

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