This is our old website. The old website is no longer being updated. We are working to have our address automatically redirect to our new site. Until then, please visit our new website at We apologize for any inconvenience.

Useful Sites and Software

Helpful free tools for your computer and other miscellaneous tasks

CCleaner - PC cleaner

GIMP - Image manipulation program

Glary Utilities - PC cleaner

Google News Archive - Back issues of global newspapers

How Long to Beat - Video game play length times

iLovePDF - PDF editor

Kiddle - Safe visual search engine for kids

Libre Office - Free Microsoft Office-like software

LunaPic - Vector graphic converter

ManualsLib - 1000s of product manuals

MyFridgeFood - Meal preparation by ingredient

Print Friendly - Make Internet pages print-friendly

Printable Paper - Downloadable paper templates

Radio Garden - Global radio streaming tool - Image background remover

Screen Hunter - Screen capture software

SideReel - TV season and episode tracker

smallPDF - PDF to JPEG converter - Time synchronization tool