This is our old website. The old website is no longer being updated. We are working to have our address automatically redirect to our new site. Until then, please visit our new website at We apologize for any inconvenience.

Love the Library? Join the Friends Executive Board!

The Friends of the Merrimack Public Library Group is seeking a member of the Friends to serve as a Director on the Executive Board for a 1 year term. Per the Bylaws, a Director serves as member-at-large on the Executive Board and is appointed by the President with the approval of the majority of the officers, including the President. A Director is expected to attend the monthly FMPL Executive Board meetings, which are held on the last Monday at 7 pm at the Library.

Candidates should be current on their paid annual FMPL memberships. No person currently employed by the Merrimack Library, defined as a person receiving wages from the library, is eligible to be an officer. Officers shall sign a conflict of interest waiver form.

Interested? Please email Debbe Walter, current Friends President at 

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