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Merrimack Public Library Strategic Plan 2014-2020

Libraries level the playing field by providing resources that every individual can access regardless of income, education, or social status, giving every individual equal opportunities for improvement, be it personal growth or contributing to the improvement of our Town.

During our Strategic Planning sessions, a telephone survey, and focus group discussions, our community spoke - loudly - and we listened. We revamped essential Library procedures to become more efficient, we automated to improve the customer experience and streamline staff resources; and, where possible, we shifted spending to purchase contemporary products and services that our customers want.

In the coming years there is so much more to do. This plan outlines where your library is headed based on what we heard from you. You are invited to let us know what you think as we work together on these goals and specific work plan objectives.

Thank you.

Debra Covell, Chair, Library Board of Trustees

Yvette Couser, Library Director