Intro to Dungeons and Dragons: Dungeon Master's Edition

Perhaps you know the basics, but have you ever thought about running a game of Dungeons and Dragons as the DM?

Do you have a group of players but don't know where to start when it comes to designing adventures and managing non-player characters? This workshop is aimed at players looking to take on the mantle of Dungeon Master for their groups.

You'llĀ  learn a variety of tips about running adventures, managing players, and more! A short exercise about designing adventure outlines will be included.

Snacks will be provided!

Please register as spaces are limited.

Participation in the previous workshop: "Intro to Dungeons and Dragons: Player's Edition" is recommended but not required.

Later in August, check out our After-Hours One-Shot Adventure run by the Adult Services staff!

Event Details

Contact Name: 
Reggie Bourn
Contact Phone Number: 
Contact Email Address:
Contact Organization: 
Merrimack Public Library
Event Category: 
Event Location: 


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